L'Air de Rien Restaurant in Fontin

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Image article L’Air de Rien

Experiencing a Good Time

Located just under 5 minutes from demimaisons, Stéphane Diffels aims to provide a truly enjoyable experience. Those who have already visited L’Air de Rien remember the powerful aromas of a pot-au-feu, the melt-in-your-mouth quality of an herb ravioli, the smokiness of an Ondenval trout.

The Chef cooks according to his desires, the seasons, and what he finds nearby. No spices from the far corners of the world, he invents his own condiments.

A Place Where You Feel Good

An old farm built with local stone, modernized with raw wood and lime walls. Two bright dining rooms and a few secret rooms including a lounge where you can end the evening listening to vinyl records.

The kitchen, partially glass-enclosed, offers a rare spectacle: a small team that knows each other well and trusts one another, a precise and relaxed ballet where everyone naturally finds their place.

Come in jogging pants or a crinoline dress, as long as you feel good.


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